Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012


Aktifitas menjelang wisuda tanggal 17 November 2012 sungguh membosankan. Dirumah dan tanpa kegiatan yang berarti. Lebih seringnya sih nonton tv sampe sudah tidak ada acara lagi yang bagus. Seperti biasa aku pun dengan santai dan ga jelas duduk – duduk sambil nonton tv sama ngemil. Tiba – tiba ada SMS masuk setelah sekian lama HP ku sepi pasca aku memilih berteman dengannya. SMS itu datang dari pembimbing skripsiku, dan tentunya bukan lagi masalah belum bimbingan karena skripsiku sudah di sidangkan dan sudah dibundling pula. Isi SMS nya: 
“Salam.. rozi bisa kirim jurnal kamu yang versi word nya untuk d lombakan k IIUM Malaysia. Nanti Ibu yang nerjemahin bahasa inggrisnya, deadline hari ini” 
Kaget,, dan merasa ga yakin juga sebenarnya. Tapi Cuma bisa berdoa semoga ga ngecewain Ibu yang sudah terlanjur percaya. Dan senengnya lagi, tulisannya tambah bagus setelah di poles sama ibu dosen, padahal sebelumnya mungkin sangat belum sempurna. 
Taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..,, ini adalah sample abstrack versi bahasa ingrisnya yang sudah di kebut sama dosenku semalaman karena kejar deadline. SO THANKS FULL TO MY LECTURE 

A Contribution to Poverty Policy for OIC Countries :
Determinants of Poverty,  Comparative Analysis of OIC Member Countries and Non Member Countries in Southeast Asia Using Islamic Approach
Ries Wulandari[1] and Rozi Fery Setiyaningsih[2]
Poverty is one of the crucial issues in the country - particularly the developing countries of Southeast Asia. Each country seeks to increase the GDP per capita can increase economic growth so as to reduce poverty will also affect the imbalance ratio. Every country in Southeast Asia have different policies in order to reduce the level of poverty in terms of the role of government. This study aims to determine the determination of poverty in OIC Members Countries and OIC Non Members Countries in Southeast Asia. The object of OIC Members Countries are Indonesia and Malaysia as well as Thailand and the Philippines- OIC Non Members Countries. This research used Fixed Effect regression with panel. The model  consisting of the dependent variable and several independent variables including poverty human development index, per capita GDP, government spending on education and health, Gini ratio and access to clean water. The results showed that the poverty in OIC Members Countries is determinated by HDI, government spending on health, per capita GDP, Gini ratio, and access to clean water. While the determinants of poverty in OIC Non Members Countries are HDI, government spending on health, GDP per capita, and access to clean water. The development of HDI is still very important variable.

JEL Classification : I32, I31, O11, C33
Keywords: Poverty, Basic Needs, Development, Panel Analysis

[1]  Tazkia University College of Islamic Economics
[2]  Tazkia University College of Islamic Economics

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